Warehouse Service

Payment Method : Paypal, Wise, Korea bank transfer
*Currency: 1 usd = 1300 krw (Korean Won)
*Paypal service fee: 4.5%

Service Includes

Free consolidation

Maximum 20kg

30 days free storage

For GOM, we offer 60 days free storage.
*GOM: Average 20kg or more per month(First 2 batches, no condition)

Free photo

We offer 1 free photo of outside of package

Additional Service

FREE of charge
To save space and reduce shipping costs, we’ll remove any original packaging and repackage the items in a smaller box.(except envelopes)
Photo service
1000krw per photo
*No quality checking services offered.
Counting items
We will count items in each box
3000krw / box
*If there are more than 50 items in a box, the service fee is 5000krw/box
Extra storage
after the free storage
1000 krw/day per day
* complimentary storage for up to 30 days.
Any items in our warehouse that have remained for longer than 60 days (including the complimentary storage period), and we have not received any communication from you regarding their continued storage, we will be required to dispose of them.
Unsealing service
We’ll unseal albums and send the included photocards to you
– 1000krw/album
*No minimum order quantity,
*We donate your unsealed albums to charitable organizations, communities, or individuals who appreciate your idols.(We’ll never sell or donate them to groups who don’t support your idols! )
If you’d like to receive your unsealed albums, or have them forwarded elsewhere, there will be an additional handling fee plus shipping costs.
* forwarding unsealed albums: 500krw /album + shipping fee
* forwarding unsealing albums with other items: 3000/krw per kg(same as normal forwarding fee) + shipping fee *If you need to keep your unsealed albums with us, please let us know in advance.
Dispose part of items
Albums with unsealing service: FREE
Others: 3000krw/box
Separating items
Separating items into several boxes OR sending to different address :
Transferring items
Transferring items to another customer who are using our warehouse
5000 krw / request
Check estimated price for service fee & shipping fee

Contact Us!