Offline Proxy service

Now you can attend offline events with us!
We’ll handle the entire process, from buying your favorite items to delivering them straight to you. 

Mofun x Down of the Dragon

From SEP 23th to OCT 18th

Toonique x Given

From SEP 12th to OCT 11th

The Man Who Can't Taste x FANTAZIT

OCT 3 (THU) - OCT 18 (FRI)

MOFUN l Alien Stage Pop-Up Store

From SEP 23th to OCT 9th

Toonique x Still, like me?

From SEP 30th to OCT 11th

Mofun x A Hunter's Stamina

From SEP 30th to OCT 11th

Be On x Profundis

From OCT 7 - OCT 25